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L'ÓLIO Monocultivar Coratina Platinum Paparella 750ml

Essence of Puglia

The extra virgin olive oil “LÓLIO Monocultivar Coratina” is the essence of the Apulian tradition, flavors and lifestyle. It is obtained from the careful selection of the best olives of the typical Apulian cultivar called “Coratina”.

LÓLIO Monocultivar Coratina looks elegant in its bottle and shows itself to the observer with a true green color, like the olives from which it is extracted. The taste presents itself with character and elegance, initially gives intense and fruity notes and then ends with a decisive and spicy aftertaste.

The extra virgin olive oil LÓLIO Monocultivar Coratina is perfect in the kitchen and is exalted as a raw dressing for salads, bruschettas or first courses such as favetta with chicory or orecchiette with turnip greens.

About this product:

LÓLIO Monocultivar Coratina represents the flagship of the oil production of Frantoio Paparella and is listed among the best 100 oils in the world by the international magazine Evooleum.

The ÓLIO Monocultivar Coratina has a strong and spicy taste, due to the large amount of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants.

The Paparella Company has obtained the coveted recognition of the THREE LEAVES of Il Gambero Rosso, for the absolute excellence of its products.


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