The ‘fiordilatte’ mozzarella are made with cow’s milk and, compared to the buffalo cousins, they have a more delicate taste.
About this product:
At our mini-dairy we produce mozzarella and buffalo and vaccine morsels daily. Unlike the imported product, our products are not subject to chemical-physical and, therefore, organoleptic alterations, due to the effects of cold.
The morsels differ from mozzarella exclusively for their size.
They should be kept at room temperature in their government water, for a maximum of 3-4 days.
Compared to buffalo mozzarella, those of fiordialatte MUST BE STORED IN THE FRIDGE!
Being a fresh product, it is not recommended to consume it if you notice a pinch on the palate. This means that the product has acquired a consistent bacterial load.
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- fino a 500 mt la spedizione è gratuita;
- da 501 mt. a 7 km. la spedizione ha un costo di €5,00;
- da 7,01 Km a 10 Km la spedizione ha un costo di €6,99.
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Disponibile dalle ore 10:00 alle 19:00
Indirizzo: Rue d’Arlon 37A, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgio