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Caciocavallo Podolico lucano 200gr

Caciocavallo Podolico is a cow’s milk pasta filata cheese made from Podolica breed cows, which graze free all day, in hilly or mountainous environments of Basilicata. The cows are milked by hand once a day, upon returning from the pastures. The milk is immediately processed, to obtain an exciting cheese. For these reasons, the full taste and aroma of aromatic herbs of the milk obtained are unmatched.

The Caciocavallo Podolico Lucano is aged for several months. The aging of our product is at least 12 months. In fact, the longer the seasoning, the more the flavor intensifies the wild herbs that cows feed on.

The straw color, the compactness (there are few “eyes”) and the elasticity of the Caciocavallo Podolico pasta represent the characteristics of this extraordinary product.


About this product:

The product will be put under vacuum to guarantee freshness over time.
Each quantity purchased is equivalent to 100 grams of product. Weight fluctuations will always be in the customer’s favor.


Tempi evasione e spedizione


Al momento del pagamento, verranno calcolati i costi di spedizione in base alla distanza che intercorre tra i nostri locali e l'indirizzo da lei indicato:
- fino a 500 mt la spedizione è gratuita;
- da 501 mt. a 7 km. la spedizione ha un costo di €5,00;
- da 7,01 Km a 10 Km la spedizione ha un costo di €6,99.

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