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L'ÓLIO Fruttato Delicato GOLD Paparella 750ml

Puglia has gold in its mouth.

The “LÓLIO Fruttato Delicato Gold” extra virgin olive oil is a magical harmony of flavors and scents of Puglia.
Obtained from a skilful selection of Apulian cultivars such as Peranzana, Coratina, Ogliarola and beyond, LÓLIO Fruity Delicato Gold is presented in its practical bottle, with a lively green color enhanced by bright yellowish reflections.

LÓLIO Fruity Delicate Gold manages to convince all palates.

When tasted, the oil offers a fragrant and complete bouquet, with a light and balanced character, characterized by a low acidity content.
LÓLIO Fruity Delicato Gold lends itself to versatile use, both for home cooking and for catering. From bruschetta to spaghetti with seafood, LÓLIO Fruity Delicate Gold guarantees a unique versatility and the pleasure of bringing the gold of Puglia to the table.

About this product:

GOLD Delicate Fruity ÓLIO is a blend of olives and offers a delicate bouquet with low acidity.

The Paparella Company has obtained the coveted recognition of the THREE LEAVES of Il Gambero Rosso, for the absolute excellence of its products.


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- fino a 500 mt la spedizione è gratuita;
- da 501 mt. a 7 km. la spedizione ha un costo di €5,00;
- da 7,01 Km a 10 Km la spedizione ha un costo di €6,99.

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Mozzarella fresca di bufala a Bruxelles

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Disponibile dalle ore 10:00 alle 19:00

Indirizzo: Rue d’Arlon 37A, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgio
